American Overhaul Solution

Why this is needed:

America has been whittled down to just a fraction of what it once was. The current system is not a positive, life-affirming system, but a system of harvesting and control. It is being run by self-serving entities that harvest America and its people of all our wealth.


  1. What’s needed is a full withdrawal of any connection to United Nations, NATO, IMF, WHO, CDC, World Bank or any other organizations who are siphoning money out of every country at the behest of the old system of control.
  2. Dissolve any and all corporations with the word Federal in them, as all Federal organizations are, in fact, private corporations.
  3. Shut down all Intelligence Agencies and create new ones, with just three departments; foreign, domestic and cyber threats.
  4. Shut down the Federal Reserve, The Crown and its IRS counterpart as they are foreign imposters harvesting countries of funds. Shut down the various US Treasuries and restore the original Treasury, as it existed before the Federal Reserve took hold. Shut down the IRS and restore the original Tax and Revenue department.
  5. Restore the Organic Constitution and make necessary amendments for this time. Restore all governments, replacing the corporations like USA Inc. Eliminate any form of labeled government be it Republic, Democracy or any other -ism ideology. Enact a government that solely operates on the premise of, acting at all times for and on behalf of we the people.
  6. Immediate cease and desist of funneling taxpayer’s money into black budget accounts. Seize all the accounts and return the money back to the relevant governments, and subsequently the people via tax breaks or direct refunds.
  7. A cease and desist of funneling taxpayer’s money into fake aid programs. Seize all the accounts and return the money back to the relevant governments and subsequently the people via tax breaks or direct refunds.
  8. A cease and desist to all drug and other trafficking implemented by Intelligence agencies and others. Locate the accounts, confiscate them and return to the relevant government to go toward health care. A cease and desist of all genetic, psychotronic, bio-warfare, mind control, cloning, hybridization, abductions, chemtrails, vaccines, transhumanist agendas and all other exotic forms of weaponry harmful to us and the planet.
  9. Set up a multi-disciplined assessment team including some members of the alt media, to analyze all technology available as to whether it is beneficial to humanity or not; if not it should be destroyed.
  10. Set up a multi-disciplined assessment team including some members of the alt media, to analyze all underground bases for full disclosure on their intent and purposes, and whether from a financial or ethical point of view these are cost effective for the public or the planet’s benefit to be dealt with accordingly.
  11. Set up a multi-disciplined team to liaise with all other countries threatened by these rogue elements, provide support and logistics for them to complete their clean-up process quicker.
  12. A steady release of the new technology that has been denied to the people, providing that technology is deemed of benefit by the assessment team.
  13. Place all those arrested into the Full Disclaimer for Full Disclosure Solution.

Who gains:

The people of America will gain as a result of these changes, but so too will the rest of the world, because America will no longer be exerting its influence and power over other countries and their affairs. Instead, America will be focused on its own people and concerns. Americans will no longer be harvested. Their hard work and time invested will be rewarded by richer, more fulfilling lives.

Who benefits:

All Americans will benefit from these changes with more freedom, a reduced and more efficient government with less bureaucracy and control, and a focus on solutions that serve the American people.