Food and Soil Sustainability Solution

Imagine always having access to plenty of safe, healthful food?

Why is it needed

Soil conditions have been degraded all over the earth by overuse of chemical fertilizers and herbicides. Farm practices around growing vegetables and raising animals for food have become factory-based. The use of drugs, chemicals and genetic modification to maximize production and profits shows little concern for the welfare of animals, destroys both the farm and surrounding environment and causes harm to the people who eat the food. Greed-based food production and price manipulation through destruction of inventory, has increased the price people pay for food. The overpriced food is left to rot on store shelves and is thrown away while people starve. Government policy particularly around food is being controlled by unethical corporations who have conflicts of interest and/or have been infiltrated by those with anti-human agendas.


  1. Encourage farmers to grow again.
  2. Dissolve the USDA and similar agencies in this and countries we import from to end the government interference in agriculture.
  3. Repeal all national laws banning the production of our own food.
  4. Sequester land owned by the few wealthy elites, corporations and other organizations, most of which was obtained by illicit means and give portions of it over to communal gardens to grow our own food.
  5. Given that Russia receives 60%+ of its produce from people growing food in their own yards or gardens, America can also become food self-sufficient by similarly encouraging individuals and families to grow food instead of lawns, and to husband a few domestic food animals such as chickens on their properties. Even balconies can provide spaces for food production.
  6. Ban genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) invented by companies like Monsanto, Bayer and Syngenta.
  7. Return to a healthy food production based on organic and permaculture farming methods.
  8. Expand genetic diversity by encouraging all food producers at every level to use open-pollinated and heritage varieties of cultivars and breeds of domestic animals, as well as encouraging the cultivation of edible species that are not currently grown.
  9. Do away with plastic packaging, over-processing, added chemicals, dangerous pesticides and herbicides delivered by companies like Monsanto and the USDA.
  10. A cease and desist of deliberate spoiling, ruining, flooding or dumping of toxic waste onto food production areas, e.g Thatcher Pass Nevada.

Additional Solutions:

  1. Recognize food security as an essential human right.
  2. Make food affordable and available to all people.
  3. Encourage local resource networking, sharing and caring, plant exchanges and farmer’s markets.
  4. Remove farming, food processing and food sales from the 1976 Non-Compete Act.
  5. Make farming, food processing and food sales essential services.
  6. Include food in the good Samaritan act and its equivalent outside America, or create such legislation where it does not exist, so that people can donate food without fear of litigation.
  7. Create a public information campaign to raise awareness regarding food conservation.
  8. Encourage the formation of food distribution routes to reduce food wastage from grocery stores and restaurants, by gathering un-sold foods and delivering them to soup kitchens and pick-up spots for homeless people and low-income families.
  9. Create advertising sites to direct people to farms and gardens that have excess produce that needs to be gleaned or gathered, with that produce or a portion of it to be given in trade for the labor provided.
  10. Teach adults and children to recognize spoiled foods. Arrange for food waste that is not fit for human consumption to be gathered and delivered to farming areas, to be used as animal feed or delivered to community composting sites.
  11. Create a public information campaign to adjust peoples’ expectations of perfect-looking generic produce.
  12. Review expiry dates on food in stores and eliminate where relevant.
  13. Share knowledge to bust the myth that it is impossible to produce enough food without using modern farming practices such as tillage, mono-cropping and the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.
  14. Establish The Peoples Club/TPC-led assessment teams to:
    • a) Evaluate the contamination of the food supply through the practice of producing animal foods that contain animal remains (such as cow remains being fed to cows), and prohibit this practice.
    • b) Evaluate the contamination of food containing human fetal remains and prohibit this practice.
    • c) Evaluate other food contaminates such as animal feces, insect parts, and environmental toxins (drugs, petroleum products, chemtrail residue, plastic, chemical and mineral residue, etc.). Require that these contaminants be eliminated when possible, and all ingredients, contaminants, chemical residues and metals be listed on packaging labels with their percentage rates.
  15. Create a uniform plan for soil recovery.
    • a) Incorporate this soil recovery plan into the children’s school curriculum and make it available to adults through seminars, videos, and intern programs.
    • b) Include subjects such as composting, no-till methods, vermiculture, soil biomes, permaculture, plant diversity, etc.
  16. Evaluate all chemical fertilizers and ban those that are harmful to human, animal or plant life.
  17. Provide economic incentives to farmers who convert to use of approved and/or natural fertilizers and methods.
    • a) Assist farmers with travel costs and tuition costs associated with learning to use original farming practices.
  18. Identify and destroy all GMO crops and seeds worldwide, at the expense of the companies that created and distributed them. Dismantle the companies that created them.
  19. Eliminate government or corporate laws or control systems (such as taxes, licensing and registrations) that restrict or prohibit any reasonable use of farm or urban land for private or public food production and use of edible plants and/or animals and animal products.
    • a) This must include the right to harvest and process edible plants, animals and animal products for private or public use, or for trading or selling to others for their use.
    • b) Establish fair land-use guidelines that will allow any person or persons to have free, dedicated access to a portion of viable land to produce food sufficient for their needs.
  20. Address the problem of environmental contamination due to plastics by providing incentives to produce alternatives to plastic, such as natural-cloth bags or such as harmlessly degradable bio-plastic created from sustainable organic sources.
    • a) Encourage the production of alternative packaging that is bio-degradable or otherwise degrades in a manner harmless to the environment.
  21. Engage agricultural associations worldwide, with purposes that are compatible with TPC values. Give them the opportunity to contribute to the solutions for humanity, give feedback and share their knowledge.

Who Gains

All humanity gains as food security becomes a human right, with food being accessible to all people worldwide. People including the children, will gain a wealth of knowledge about sustainable farming and self-reliance. Individuals and families that grow some of their own food will spend less money on groceries, which means they will require less labor effort to earn income, will have more money for other needs and more control of their life on many levels. Farmers will save money and no longer be dependent on the corporate production of chemical products. There will be an abundance of work for everyone. Discoveries of plastics alternatives will create new industries and hence new jobs.

Who Benefits:

Humanity benefits through healthier living. The environment benefits from regeneration of the soil and detoxification. The earth benefits from the rise in the vibrational frequency of all that dwell on her.