Oil and Transport Solution

Why this is needed:

Energy is one of the five essential needs for life along with food, water, clothing and shelter. Energy is different because it enables an expansion of an individual’s existence. Oil and its products have the most flexibility because they can be easily and cost-effectively transported and stored, and have a wide range of applications. Energy usage underpins economic activity, which is essential in the development of poorer nations, enabling their populations to extend their access to other regions and products. This advancement also requires access to vehicles of transportation and other technologies that use oil or oil products. The Earth’s resources belong to all the beings of the planet, not just to the location of those resources or to those who have procured access to the resources. Oil is not a fossil fuel, it is abiotically produced by the Earth and sufficiently abundant to meet the needs of the entire planet. Price and distribution of oil and its transportation products are artificially controlled by cartels, which will need to be removed.


  1. Discover and develop alternative technologies like water fuel cells and liquified natural gas (LNG) for transportation applications. This effort includes release of any efficiency improvements previously hidden, or patents occulted by “National Security.” These changes may expand our understanding of science and the source of energy. Transportation is a large sector of the economy, and offers the economic opportunity for development of new technologies and efficiency improvements.
  2. Countries should be encouraged to develop energy sovereignty and develop self-sufficiency in their energy supplies. The Trust is available to supply requisite investment if the banking system fails as a source or prices too high of an interest payment.
  3. Countries can still import oil to meet any deficiency of internal supply. Oil will be shared globally through straight transactions without any trade deals between countries, free of coercive policies that hold the importing country hostage. The broadening of the market provides consistent income to oil companies, while the developed countries shift to electric transportation or other alternative technologies. Increase of consumption by less developed countries and simultaneous decrease in developed countries, enables oil companies to maintain revenues to recover their investments and fund pensions.
  4. Switching to other technologies creates an inventory of used cars, which can be shipped to the developing countries for their use. The Trust may finance the purchase and shipment of these vehicles to further the advancement of these less developed countries, while the military can assist with these shipments.
  5. Remove oil pricing from world commodity markets; and allow the oil companies to price at delivery with appropriate profit included, no greater than 10%. Should the oil companies not agree, the military can sequester all oil companies and privatize them in the name of the people, with oversight by the people and their Government.
  6. Prioritize the development of technologies needed for trucks, train engines and ships to enable the bulk transportation of goods between regions.

Who gains:

Underdeveloped countries gain with access to affordable energy and transportation vehicles. Oil companies can maintain profits and demand for their production to enable the recovery of their investments. Developed countries will gain as they expand services to the less developed countries, with increasing demand for other products and services.

Who benefits:

The people, who can switch to new transportation technologies. The Earth, as pollution can be reduced. This is part of the restoration effort.