Imagine a world where everyone has enough clean, safe water.

Why this is needed:

Our most precious resource is the subject of scarcity programs too numerous to list, and is provided to the people as dormant bulk water that is denatured, stagnant, and electromagnetically incoherent. It is also provided at hugely inflated prices when humanity deserves to enjoy complete and affordable public access to clean, plentiful supplies of water for all activities of daily living, both indoors and out. If we want to live fully, it is long past time to end all water restrictions, ban weather weapons and other perverse methods of engineering water shortages, droughts, floods and poisonings.


  1. Repeal all legislation that makes water a commodity and denies the right of the people to water.
  2. Remove or legislate companies that siphon water to sell as a product or that otherwise overuse water supplies.
  3. Stop and ban the pumping of untreated effluent into our seas as it damages our beaches and sea life, which in turn contaminates our food supply.
  4. Fine any company that dumps illegal chemicals or damaging substances into our water systems, including rivers, canals, lakes, aquifers or oceans.
  5. Ban use of chemicals in farming and other industries that end up in our water.
  6. Ban the practice of adding poisons including fluoride to the public water supply.
  7. Clean up lakes, canals, rivers and oceans so a proper ecosystem can emerge.
  8. Sequester to the people the water companies and make their profit margin minimal (10%).
  9. Bottled water will be sold with proper (high) pH, in toxin-free bottles.
  10. Make water testing transparent and make results public to everyone.
  11. Local councils and authorities are to be held responsible for old and damaged pipes that leak and drain our reservoirs.
  12. In flood zones, form and maintain fleets of trucks with pumps to drain floodwaters and move the water to where it is needed, such as drought-depleted river systems that feed large areas. This helps hydro-power systems as well as drought-stressed areas. Pipelines could be manufactured and laid down for a similar purpose. Floodwaters would have to be completely decontaminated, purified and revitalized either before, during or after their transportation and redistribution.
  13. Construct desalination plants along all coasts as backup for water supplies, that will lower oceans slightly, prevent more coastal erosion and provide sea salt.
  14. Make piped water available in all homes.
  15. Abolish all laws that ban harvesting of precipitation (rainwater and snowmelt collection) and other water sources by the people, as well as laws that ban building and use of greywater and blackwater systems of purification.
  16. Encourage and enable small-scale water harvesting and purification by homeowners and businesses.
  17. Redesign urban environments and building practices to improve hydrology and natural precipitation patterns, as well as to minimize flood potential and flood damage.
  18. Begin to deconstruct dams on a case-by-case basis based on the availability of new technology, that will allow for and teach that water’s essence is to flow freely.
  19. Encourage schools and companies to make use of rainwater harvesting by involving the children in projects that can also be used in homes.

Who gains:

Everyone whose body cries out for water and whose deep dehydration has led to negative health outcomes including infertility, aging and death. Communities that have been paying inflated prices for water supplies and/or for poisonous additives for water supplies gain cheaper, cleaner water. Communities and regions that have had their water supplies depleted by companies that siphon the water for their own profit, gain stable water supplies. Communities and regions whose water supplies that are poisoned by industry or by agricultural runoff gain cleaner water. Communities that wish to nourish their members with beautiful fountains, parks, well-irrigated gardens, food forests, rain forests and abundant marine and freshwater aquatic ecosystems, gain the ability to do so. Coastal communities that build desalination plants increase local employment and gain by marketing clean sea salt.

Who benefits:

All species of the planet that rely on water for their very life. Communities subject to drought. Communities subject to flooding. Householders and small businesses become more self-sufficient by harvesting precipitation and/or purifying their own wastewater. Children gain an appreciation for natural hydrological cycles and an understanding of how to live self-sufficiently. It will help the environment.